We’re Here: The Best Queer Speculative Fiction 2020 edited by CL Clark & Charles Payseur

We’re Here: The Best Queer Speculative Fiction 2020 edited by CL Clark & Charles Payseur
Winner of the Locus Award for Best Anthology.
We’re Here 2020 is edited by C.L. Clark & series editor Charles Payseur of Quick Sip Reviews. A 263 page 8” x 5” book.
“This promising start to a new anthology series will appeal to any reader of contemporary short SFF, queer or otherwise, and reinforces Neon Hemlock’s spot at the apex of queer speculative fiction publishing.”
— Publishers Weekly
We’re Here 2020 includes the following stories from 2020:
"If You Take My Meaning" by Charlie Jane Anders (Tordotcom, February 26, 2020)
"A Voyage to Queensthroat" by Anya Johanna DeNiro (Strange Horizons, August 2020)
“Rat and Finch are Friends” by Innocent Chizaram Ilo (Strange Horizons, March 2020)
“Salt and Iron” by Gem Isherwood (Podcastle, May 2020)
"The Currant Dumas" by L.D. Lewis (Glitter + Ashes, edited by dave ring)
“Everquest” by Naomi Kanakia (Lightspeed, October 2020)
"Portrait of Three Women with an Owl" by Gwen C. Katz (The Future Fire, February 2020)
“The Ashes of Vivian Firestrike” by Kristen Koopman (Glittership, May 2020)
“To Balance the Weight of Khalem” by RB Lemberg (Beneath Ceaseless Skies, March 2020)
“Thin Red Jellies” by Lina Rather (Gigonotosaurus, February 2020)
“Body, Remember” by Nicasio Andres Reed (Fireside, November 2020)
“Escaping Dr. Markoff” by Gabriela Santiago (The Dark, March 2020)
"The Last Good Time to Be Alive" by Waverly SM (Reckoning 4, edited by Danika Dinsmore and Arkady Martine)
“Monsters Never Leave You” by Carlie St. George (Strange Horizons, June 2020)
"The Wedding After The Bomb" by Brendan Williams-Childs (Catapult, April 2020)
"8-Bit Free Will" by John Wiswell (Podcastle, November 2020)
Our incredible cover is by Sajan Rai.