speculative fiction and queer chapbooks


North Continent Ribbon by Ursula Whitcher

North Continent Ribbon by Ursula Whitcher


A collection of linked short stories. Publication date: August 20th, 2024. An 8” x 5” paperback. 172 pages.

On Nakharat, every contract is a ribbon and every ribbon is a secret, braided tight and tucked behind a veil. Artificial intelligence threatens the tightly-woven network. Stability depends on giving each machine a human conscience—but the humans are not volunteers. In the midst of strife, individual people struggle to hold onto their jobs and protect their lovers, those trusted few who could draw back the veil.

Cover illustration by Danielle Taphanel. Interior illustrations by Matthew Spencer. Cover design by dave ring.

A note on awards eligibility: The book is about 46k, and thus too long to be nominated for Best Novella in most awards. However, it is eligible as a collection, and “Fisher of Stars” is eligible in the Best Novelette category.

Paperback ISBN: 978-1-952086-84-7
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-952086-85-4


“Whitcher conjures a colorful world across six interconnected stories in her remarkably assured debut.”
Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“Elegant, tender, and energizing, North Continent Ribbon exemplifies the potential that short fiction possesses to enact a politics of connection and relation, of intimacy, at the level of form in order to support a tale that investigates those questions in its characters, plot, and setting.”
—Tristan Beiter, Strange Horizons

“These luminous, interwoven stories are a stunning meditation on connection, relationship, and the porous borders between the human, the cosmic, and the technological. Containing vividly realized characters from sword-wielding lesbians to spaceships on strike, North Continent Ribbon is a startlingly original space opera with its imaginative heights grounded in contemporary struggles.”
—Rachel A. Rosen, author of Cascade

“Whitcher has the imagination of Borges and the exquisite prose of Atwood. She not only leads you on a deep journey into a world of her own devising, she makes you feel smarter for having read it.”
—Marie Vibbert, author of Galactic Hellcats

“From the poetry of math to the poetics of resistance among the stars, Ursula’s writing wowed me from word one. In the top tier of science fiction stories I’ve read this past decade.”
—Yoon Ha Lee, author of Ninefox Gambit

With a delicate balance of the epic and the mundane, each story in North Continent Ribbon provides a vivid glimpse of a complex and changing world.”
—Rebecca Fraimow, author of Lady Eve’s Last Con

North Continent Ribbon is a lyrical blend of hard science fiction and epic fantasy. Whitcher’s prose is as beautiful and evocative as the illustrations in the book. A must read for its world-building alone.”
—Lyda Morehouse, author of Welcome to Boy.Net

“These are quiet, beautifully written, subtle stories about love, intrigue, and war, set in another world that is eerily familiar—like Le Guin’s Orsinian Tales, but queer. And sexy.”
—Michael J. Deluca, author of The Jaguar Mask

Politically astute, fun, and full of feeling, I can’t recommend it enough.”
—Tristan Beiter, Strange Horizons

“…a gentle and thoughtful series of interconnected stories, perfect for readers looking for the kind of anthropological science fiction of an Ursula K. Le Guin or Becky Chambers.”
—Christian P. Haines, Strange Horizons

“…offered sufficient thread from which to hang some real pearls of satisfyingly open future-history.”
—Dan Hartland, Strange Horizons

“…unexpected, but deeply affecting…”
Abigail Nussbaum

“There is something absolutely artful about the way Whitcher lets their themes build quietly, behind a foreground of more interpersonal concerns, making them all the more impactful in the moments when they do come to the fore.”
—Roseanna Pendlebury, Ancillary Review of Books

“One of the most interesting books I read this year…”
—Molly Templeton, Reactor

“Whitcher’s beautifully drawn world is one of the most distinctive, fascinatingly built places I’ve come across in recent fiction, detailed in ways both intimate and sociological.”
—Molly Templeton, Esquire’s 30 Best Sci-Fi Titles of 2024

“…Whitcher is an excellent crafter of prose, evoking setting, character, and emotion in comparatively few words. A complete triumph.”
Eddie Clark

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Print ISBN-13: 978-1-952086-42-7

Ebook ISBN-13: 978-1-952086-43-4