Embodied Exegesis: Transfeminine Cyberpunk Futures

Embodied Exegesis: Transfeminine Cyberpunk Futures
Publication date: August 27, 2024. Edited by Ann LeBlanc.
Embodied Exegesis is an anthology of cyberpunk and posthuman stories written by transfem authors. The included stories explore the limits of the genre: gender-affirming cybernetics, the literary surveillance state, transcendent hive-minds, a transgender coffee machine, and weaponized shitposts. The future of cyberpunk is trans, so stay tuned for an anthology of wild and weird stories exploring the limits of technological transformations of our bodies and minds.
Featuring the work of: Ryka Aoki, Elly Bangs, Lillian Boyd, Palimrya, Maya Deane, Coyote Dembicki, Anya DeNiro, J Jennifer Espinoza, Max Firehammer, Meghan Hyland, Catherine Kim, Jess Levine, TT Madden, Hailey Piper, Petra Skelton, Riley Tao, Izzy Wasserstein, AGA Wilmot & Adeline Wong.
Cover illustration by Lyss Menold. Full cover reveal and TOC announcement here.
Paperback ISBN-13: 978-1-952086-88-5
Ebook ISBN-13: 978-1-952086-89-2
Outstanding Collection/Anthology: The 2024 TFR Reader’s Choice Awards