speculative fiction and queer chapbooks


Cover Reveal & ToC: Baffling Year Three

This anthology of queer speculative flash fiction features stories from Issues Nine through Twelve of Baffling:

Issue Nine
“The Blade, The Hammer” by Lina Rather
“From the Mothers That Swam Before” by Marisca Pichette
“Nine in Number” by E. Catherine Tobler
“Approximation and Displacement” by Portia Elan
“What Are We if I Stay” by K.S. Walker
“Despair, Divided” by Tamara Jerée
“An Absent Presence” by Alice Pow
“With Open Eyes” by Nikolas Sky

Issue Ten
“How the Wolf Domesticated Herself” by December Cuccaro
“Prix Fixe Menu: Seared Unicorn Sirloin” by Aimee Ogden
“What You Want Before You Know It” by Matt Terl
“An Unsound Heart” by R.S. Saha
“They Commune With the Dead Using Biscuit Crumbs and Wine” by Elou Carroll
“Turducken” by Lindz McLeod
“Icariana” by Wen-yi Lee
“It's Just a Date” by A. Tony Jerome

Issue Eleven
“The Little Free Guide To Dronewatching, Abridged & Annotated” by Ann LeBlanc
“The Flame Without” by Tarver Nova
“A Practical Study of Time” by M.P. Rosalia
“‘Sup, Handsome?” by Sharang Biswas
“All the Things I Could’ve Done That Wouldn’t Have Been So Devastating” by Phoebe Barton
“You Who Does Not Exist” by Aigner Loren Wilson
“How to Stay Married to Baba Yaga” by S.M. Hallow

Issue Twelve
“I Want To Wear You Like A Glove” by Anneke Schwob
“Darn” by Mary Sanche
“Evergreen” by Megan Baffoe
“Call Me, Said Kali In Her Black Modified YSLs” by Akira Leong
“Of Available Materials” by Tianran Li-Harkness
“Grown Gown” by Derek Des Anges
“Aristophanes Airs His Dirty Laundry: A Eulogy for Love” by Bastian Hart

The cover is inspired by Marisca Pichette’s ”From the Mothers That Swam Before” from Issue Nine and is illustrated by the wonderful Carly A-F:

Baffling Year Three will be available for purchase later in the summer, but sign up here to be part of our pre-sales crowdfund in June:

dave ring